Pontesbury & Worthen Medical Practice
A dual site practice in the lovely rural villages of Pontesbury and Worthen, just south of Shrewsbury, are currently looking for a Salaried GP for approx.
4-6 sessions per week.
Friendly and welcoming team
5 GP Partners and 2 Salaried GPs
Training Practice
EMIS web, Docman 10, Arden's, Team Net
15 min appointments
Dedicated admin team
Excellent clinical support from ACPs and nursing team
Salary dependent on experience but between £8.5k - £10.5k per session and in line with BMA rates – pay includes an extra session per week to cover CPD and admin time
6 weeks A/L
Tier 2 Sponsoring Organisation
Please pass on to anyone you may think would be interested. Happy to answer any questions or queries, or give more info.
Interested candidates should please email Izzy.Culliss@nhs.net with their CV.